Friday 1 December 2006


1. Creating and using a Web Log (10% of assignment marks)
You are required to create a web log (blog) and create five separate posts and several pictures demonstrating ‘uploading’ (minimum two). There should be a minimum of five separate comments all from different people on your blog. Choice of blog provider is made by the student

i'd say this blog just about covers that. well... its been emotional. i might add to this in the future. porbably wont though. peace.

love howard

I Need Food

yep thats right, i need food. havnt eaten yet. all ive done is work. i really doubt ill keep this going after today. but hey if im really bored i might come on here and talk to myself.

ah, ponte rocks

Another myspace post

ok, it needs 5 posts. 5 posts in one day. yeah im abit annoyed now. most of my sites up and this is just getting in the way. lots to do. im suppost to go to leeds tonight aswell to see simons band. which i was looking forward to especially cos i was gonna go home after that then castleford on sunday for a drink with the lads (to see the lads go to but this kinda messes it up. DAMN YOU MULTIMEDIA AND THE INTER-NET! WITH YOUR ABILITY TO GET IN MY WAY. peace.

love howard

Same as myspace post really

hey people.

to pass my 'introduction to multimedia and the internet' module of my course i have to create a blog with at least 3 posts. not only that but it needs to have 5 comments. so throughout today (the deadline day) ill post 3 blog entrys. and you guys can post any comments you want. right now im going to get on with finishing my website and 'story board'.... go figure. peace.

love howard

Multimedia and the internet


this blog has been made to pass a module at Uni. enjoy.